Looking to order Ultimate Essiac? It's normally only available at Vitamin World stores.
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Order Ultimate Essiac direct for $29.95 per box.
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Ultimate essiac, like any reputable essiac, is on the bitter side. This is due to the watercress, which is a bitter herb. If your essiac isn't bitter, it's not real essiac! Some companies take out the watercress or lessen the amount to improve the taste, but at a huge cost. If the bitterness bothers you, feel free to add unsweetened fruit or vegetable juice or stevia to the essiac. This can help while your body adapts to the taste.
Keep in mind, you only have to drink 3 oz. in most cases at a time. It's gone in a couple of gulps. Don't let taste make you reach for an overprocessed brand that is a watered down version of the real thing. It's not worth it! Most people adapt to the taste of real essiac quickly. I know the first time I took it I couldn't believe how pungent it seemed. However, after a few days, that was all in the past and I was fine. I hear a similar account from most of our customers.
Click here if you'd like to place a wholesale order.
Order Ultimate Essiac direct for $29.95 per box.